Fr. Peter Mary Rookey His Cause For Sainthood
The purpose of this website is to promote the life and legacy of Servite Father Peter Mary Rookey and his cause for canonization as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. He was often referred to as “The Man of Miracles” or “The Healing Priest”. I’m Timothy Peter Rookey, the nephew of Fr. Peter and webmaster of this site. My wife Anne and I wish to acquaint people around the world with the warm compassion and holiness of Fr. Peter through the photos and videos of him found on this website.
We are in the process of finding a bishop in Chicago to commence a formal investigation leading to the eventual canonization of Fr. Peter. The bishop would send Father’s case to Rome to establish him as a Servant of God. After that, Fr. Peter would need to be declared Venerable. Two miracles attributed to his intercession from heaven would then be necessary for him to be declared a saint.
We are asking for your help in this process in a couple of ways. First, if you or someone you know is in great need of a physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, please pray directly and solely to Fr. Peter, invoking his intercession for this purpose. If the healing occurs miraculously, this can become evidence for Father’s cause for sainthood.
Second, if you wish to assist our effort in any way, financially or otherwise, please feel free to contact us directly, using the contact information below. We have applied to the IRS for 501 (c) 3 tax exempt status so that donations for this cause can be tax deductible. We will update our website to let you know when we receive this approval. If you have any prayer intentions, we’ll be happy to pray for them and will ask our uncle, Fr. Peter, to pray for them as well. We’ll also be glad to mail you a Miracle Prayer card upon request.
Please let us know if you receive a healing, miracle, or other answered prayer intention from praying solely to Fr. Peter through his intercession from heaven.
Thank you very much for viewing our website and assisting our effort to see Fr. Peter Rookey raised to the altar of sainthood in the Roman Catholic Church!
Prayerfully yours,
Timothy Peter & Anne Elizabeth Rookey
2040 Allen Blvd #6,Middleton, WI 53562,